12/22: Happy Holidays

Dear all,

Good morning and happy holidays.

As the calendar year draws to a close, and we reflect on our proverbial first year of life, we are overwhelmed with appreciation and gratitude. When we started this project a few years ago, we weren't certain it would resonate or that our community was really out there. In just over six months since we launched, over 8,000 people from over 90+ countries worldwide have visited our site. Your response has been more than we could ever have hoped for. I think we can safely say that we have found our community, and apparently you have found us, as well.

While we prepare to hunker down for the winter, we have two last gifts for you before we close the year. These mark the first contributions from Deepa Kattail and Walid Alrayashi, both of which are excellent. For the record, that is no small feat. Both took on classic blocks (Supraclavicular and Interscalene, respectively), techniques that many of us learned more than a decade ago, and yet somehow they both managed to make them feel fresh, alive, and vital. We hope you find them informative, too!

Though this will be the last update for a while, we are planting the seeds for a bountiful spring with new contributors, new cutting-edge material, and an entirely new section of material. Until then, be safe and enjoy the holidays.

Best Regards


P.S. I would also like to give special mention to Carine Foz, who helped create the Interscalene section. Amazing job! I hope we haven't seen the last of your awesome ideas and contributions!


12/23: Happy Holidays!


5/22: Spring Is In The Air