Dr. David Meyer, MD


- Director of Pediatric Cardiovascular & Thoracic Surgery of Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery, Long Island Jewish Medical Center and North Shore University Hospital


What was your initial impression when the pediatric anesthesiologists you worked with started doing nerve blocks? Were you open or resistant to the idea?

I was hopeful but skeptical.


What surprised you or what did you like about nerve blocks?

The blocks seemed to help reduce opioid need.


How did you become a believer in the routine use of regional anesthesia?

For me, it was reproducible results.


Do you have any advice for pediatric anesthesiologists trying to convince other surgeons of the benefits of pediatric regional techniques?

Focus on the need for less anesthesia and narcotics intraoperatively.  


Dr. Barrie S. Rich, MD


Dr. Jordan Gitlin, MD